The WordPress team released a new editor called Gutenberg in version 5.0. It’s a fantastic step forward for WordPress, which sorely needed a new text editor.
Already Gutenberg has saved me countless hours where I no longer have to wrestle with unnecessary markup or strangely-persistent formatting issues.
Regardless of the backlash from part of the WordPress community, it’s clear to me that this will be a significant improvement over the long-term.
Yes, the vocal minority of theme and plugin developers are frustrated because Gutenberg breaks some of their customizations. I understand the frustration. Nobody likes having to refactor their code when something new comes along.
But Gutenberg’s modular content approach will cut down on the number of poorly supported and poorly implemented plugins that plague WordPress today. Eliminating shortcodes, for example, is clearly a good thing.
But despite a few bugs and host of compatibility issues, WordPress has clearly decided to embrace a bold new vision. I, for one, am on board.
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